Ninan LegalJune 30, 2023by admin

Fiat Justitia Ruat Caelum” which means “Let justice be done though the Heavens may fall.

This is the motto of the Georgia Supreme Court, GA, USA. On June 29, 2023, I had the honor and privilege of being sworn and admitted into the bar of the Supreme Court of Georgia. The short, solemn and inspiring ceremony was conducted at the Nathan Deal Judicial Center (NDJC), Atlanta, GA. We were a group of 16 attorneys for that day’s swearing in ceremony. The court clerk gave a brief history of the Supreme Court of GA as we were waiting for the Justice to arrive. This was followed by the entrance into the courtroom by Justice Carla Wong McMillian, the first Asian American Justice of the GA supreme court, appointed to the court by Governor Brian Kemp, in April 2020. Justice McMillian administered the oath to all of us, followed by group and individual pictures with her. We then signed the court register and were granted our certificates of admission to the Supreme Court of GA.
